A little about my medical situation…
My doctor (GP) OKed me coming off morphine (last dose was yesterday, 19 June) because we both feel they were making my headaches (medication-resistant migraines) much worse. The headaches have gotten more frequent, not unexpectedly, and much more severe since coming off morphine.
Yesterday, I had three separate migraines in one day.
Then I couldn’t sleep for most of the night until I knocked myself out with Tramadol, Paracetamol and Gravol.
I’ve started a new migraine med (one that I have been on before with my previous neurologist, and that worked well) – Dosulepin. I see the new neurologist on June 26, and we figured since it takes at least a month to start working (same family as amitriptyline, and he’d likely want me back on it), we’d get a start on it.
I have also recently been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries (PCOS), which we’re treating and trying to get my reproductive cycle back on track. PCOS hormone treatment is proceeding on schedule, so we’re just waiting to see if I get a period in a few days, and then I go on Metformin. (“Bleed, dammit!”)
Here’s the pain scale I use; I’m rarely below a 7 these days.